an exploration of urban farming, food justice, and sustainability.
Friday, July 30, 2010
2,the similitaries/difference they all have junk foods
3, The corner store has no fresh produce
4,Broke People shop at cor nor store
5. there are so many corner stores because there are so many low income neighborhoods in Philadelphia
Neighborhood stores
-Amal Saber
Corner Store

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today we went to a couple corner stores to see what kind of foods they sold. Most of them sold foods that weren’t that healthy like potato chips& candy bars. As we kept checking more stores there were some surprising improvements. I started to see corner stores with fruits and vegetables in them. There was fresh meat for hoagies. One store we came across was owned by Asians and there happen to be a whole bar in the back of the store. You got your veggies and Liquor in the same place. I learned that every corner store is not the same and that some stores do contain healthy foods.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yesterday, I learned a little something new about maps. First I walked to Liacourse Walk so I could get a good visual of it. I drew my own map of how to get to Liacourse Walk from Anderson Hall. I'm not a perfect drawer but, I know I did my best. Later on that day, a gentlemen name Nick came into my class and spoke to my members and me about maps. He explained that there were three main different maps. One was a physical map which shows more of the landscapes of an area like the valleys and mountains. The other type of map was Political which showed the actual separation between states and cities. The final type of map was Thematic, which are most of the time color coded to represent different things. For example you could be trying to show how many people in different states are vegetarians. Basically the day went well and I enjoyed Nicks' presentation on maps. Maybe I can use what I learn to make a better map.
Monday, July 26, 2010

2. Background Included With the aperture set to let in a minimal amount of light at f 16 the focus gets sharper and the background becomes clear. Do this when the objects in the background ADD to the story of your subject |

3. Rule of Thirds As discussed in the Technical section and in class - the frame looks best when divided into thirds - here a line one thirds in from the left leads us to the center of interest in this photo - the watch face and reflection. Notice the background is included which adds to the story by showing more books in the library

Strong Center of Interest Dead Center: This photo focuses on the person playing the Clarinet.
The Reading Terminal