Yesterday, I learned a little something new about maps. First I walked to Liacourse Walk so I could get a good visual of it. I drew my own map of how to get to Liacourse Walk from Anderson Hall. I'm not a perfect drawer but, I know I did my best. Later on that day, a gentlemen name Nick came into my class and spoke to my members and me about maps. He explained that there were three main different maps. One was a physical map which shows more of the landscapes of an area like the valleys and mountains. The other type of map was Political which showed the actual separation between states and cities. The final type of map was Thematic, which are most of the time color coded to represent different things. For example you could be trying to show how many people in different states are vegetarians. Basically the day went well and I enjoyed Nicks' presentation on maps. Maybe I can use what I learn to make a better map.
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