In Fresh Grocer's they had variety of name brands like cereal, sodas, poultry and more. Fresh grocer was more convininent to reach then Reading Terminal. They also had alot of things that werent accessable at Reading Terminal like drinks and snaks. Their poltury was not organic and it was ran by a company. Unlike Reading Terminal at Fresh Grocer you werent able to have face to face contact with the sellsmen from which you were purchasing your food. There was also a difference in prices. The food costs less at Fresh Grocer than at Reading Terminal because Fresh Grocer's food wasnt as fresh and organic, instead it was shipped in from companys to the store rather than bein sent straight off the farm to the store. Although Fresh Grocer might be more convinient and less expensive, their food choices arent always the best quality in the sense of organic and health compared to Reading Terminal.
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